Thursday, January 20, 2011

Illustration Friday: Chicken

My quick little watercolor drawing for Illustration Friday. My family actually owns chickens (we don't have a farm... my parents just thought it would be fun to have some chickens so now there is a little coop in the yard) and this is a "portrait" of one of them. He actually was killed when a fox broke in to the coop a year or two ago, poor fellow.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cabin on the Ocean

Summer 2010

I should have done this post back in summertime when it actually occurred, but I was too busy living a vagabond lifestyle.
But I'm sure these pictures can still be enjoyable now.

cottage times, right on the beach!

Squeaky room

Antique store

Sorry buddy :(

seashell shop

beautiful beaches all over the place

Did I mention this was on Cape Cod? Spent a week in a cottage on the beach in a town right next to P-town. I've been going there since I was a little rosy-cheeked young girl.